So as of late, my ass has been busy holding a job ( no, not in the kitchen guys and im not going back to it) so my geek streek has been pushed back to things that i can only do at home.. least till i am done with training at work and start on my true scedual. Anywho, For a little geekyness i will talk about my WoW experiance as of late ( yes there are are real boobs on wow and no i will not tits or GTFO!) So, as of late i have been working on 6 characters, a lvl 85 human holy pally named Gwenniver, a lvl 85 Dranai resto Shammy FrannyNanny, a lvl 83 Nelf mm hunter Lunareclipse, a lvl 30 Human holy and soon to be dual speced to shadow priest named Sera, a lvl 13 Nelf feral drud Chislev, and a lvl 11 Belf arcane mage Shimai. Yes i play Ali, Yes i know in true story line they are the true evil of the worcraft world.. i point that out all the time to newbies and no one wants to listen >_<. ANYWHO so I had been off WoW for waaaaaay too long, played a week into cata when it came out then decided that i really did not have the money to pay for that shit. So i canceled my account for the time, recently i added more time to the account, Since i have had to now work at catching up to the boys who spend their lives in moma's basement peeing in bottles and yelling at mom when they need more food. With only a few hours on wow at night between being a mom and needing sleep for my job its been kinda.. busy.. anywho i have managed to get my lvl 80 hunter to 83 and my shammy started at lvl 65 when this all started and was 85 and gearing up with in a week. let me tell you, Cata is just a copy and paste with a little paint to make to look diffrent of other wow expantions. oh, and higher lvl. I will say it is EPIC to ride my flying mount in SW and watch everyone run around trying to find me when i am posting my enchainting book in trade and someone wants one, lol. Anywho. Another thing that i have been geeking out about is Legends of Krynn mud, I wish it was more active, but sadly... *frown* not many have been on as of late, so yeah. it kinda suck! And the other thing i have been geeking abotu is the two new MTG sets that came out recently new pharixia and m12, i am trying to find the new angels without looking them up on line.. you know its harder then one would thing, lol. Well, I should ger going and head the fuck out so i can take a nap before work, NI NI!
I used to play wow, but quit after a few months of cataclysm, it just ruined the game for me. Was a troll resto shaman for years, and i was a darned good healer, if people died, it was because we wiped, very few random deaths when i healed. i had a lot of fun with it for years, but after cata i haven't wanted to play anymore. the game essentially became work for me and not the release and fun from work that it used to be. So my account lapsed out in february and i have had no inkling to return since, waiting on SWTOR myself.
ReplyDeleteActually my fall from WoW was what pushed me into this major tabletop kick i have been on of late, mainly been focusing on Warhammer (wanna get my trygey painted).
oh, and just because this is compulsory because your alliance: